Well, today marks the official start of my first semester as a full-time seminary student. I am certainly learning the last couple of weeks that when God tells us we must live on faith he is not kidding. With the two leaps I have taken the last couple of weeks the gulp has been more than I could even come close to handling on my own power.
Last night I became well acquainted with the required assignments, research papers and books to read for this semester, WOW!
After several minutes of trying to convince myself I couldn't do it, that there was no way I could learn all of this information in the time I had, I turned off my computer and went to bed. The great part is this ended this morning when I remembered I wasn't doing any of it anyway. In 1 Corinthians 2:4, Paul declared that his preaching had nothing to do with him, but was all due to the Holy Spirit through him. His confidence was not in his ability to preach, his confidence was in the Holy Spirit. So I realized I was trying to my confidence in myself, thinking that I needed to be "great" so I could learn all the information. Well, I realize that is a horrible idea. I am going to put my confidence in the Holy Spirit living in me, that He will be the one who ensures I learn and perform... What a relief...
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