Friday, January 30, 2009

thanks for your prayers, we felt them

Boden had his surgery on Wednesday and it went great. I can say without a doubt, that Megan and I experienced incredible peace. The worst thing we had to deal with was the fact that we were hungry and since Boden wasn't eating we figured we could support him and go hungry for a while too. When we got home though, I think he ate more than both of us.


What does it mean today to believe God? If we say we believe in God, we must believe all of his character traits, otherwise we would believe in God that lies and has left us with no way to know anything about him. Unfortunately, so many today say they believe in God, but do not believe certain aspects of the Bible or the things it says about Him.

I think we can learn a lot from Nathaniel. Nathaniel believed simply because God saw him under a tree before Phillip called him (John 1). So I’m wondering today, what does it take for us to believe God is really God and that we can trust and count on his faithfulness. What are we looking for him to tell us about our life? Or has he already and we just weren’t listening?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quick Update

I'm still here. It has been a while since I have posted anything. These past 3 weeks have been a whirlwind to say the least.

I am taking the most classes ever in seminary, and we have many excited things happening at church. In January we started our second campus in O'Fallon, MO meeting at Warren Elementary School and Megan and I are part of the team helping out there.

Tomorrow morning Boden is having surgery so we are getting ready for that experience (just minor, ear tubes and the removal of his adenoids). I'm pretty sure the worst part is going to be keeping him from eating before the surgery. He normally wakes up asking for food and isn't really happy until he gets some (I have no idea where he gets that from).

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Some stats

As many of you have probably heard me say before I am pretty big on statistics and I think they say a lot for where we are as a Church. I just read an article that reinforces many of the scary truths we are witnessing lived out in the church and in America today.

I think we must all challenge ourselves everyday to ensure we are going toward God and His ways on all issues and not being conformed to a world that basically condones everything.

Here is the link to the article. Check out the statistics and what the 84% of Americans who claim to be Christians view as morally acceptable...