Sunday, February 22, 2009

We're free from anxiety and worry

Acts 3:6-7
I don’t have silver and gold, but what I do have a give you; in the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk! We are living in a time when everyone is ‘in need’ and many people have gotten to the point where they believe all that is left to do is literally beg. They are begging from the government, from relatives, and others they know.

The lesson for Christians from Peter and John is so enormous in this hour… All fully devoted disciples to the Lord have the best thing to offer those who are begging. In the name of Jesus Christ be free from anxiety and worry!!!

The next time you hear someone talking about how bad things are try a modern day reenactment of Peter. Something like, “I wish I had enough money to pay all your bills or I wish I could give you a few hundred just to help, but I can’t. However, I do have something that has proven helpful to me and I know it can for you to, in the name of Jesus Christ be free from anxiety and worry!!”

In fact, it's probably a good thing to say to ourselves, not that often, maybe... once a day should be helpful.