If you have ever gone through those stages where you don't feel or think that reading the Bible is transforming your life or that God is not giving you insight regularly, think again. As a father of a one year old, I have experienced the miracle of seeing and infant grow into a toddler, and the changes in Boden from the age of 1 month to 1 year have been remarkable.
What was it that caused that remarkable change? It was all of those little tiny things that seemed like no big deal. That glass of milk in the morning didn't by itself make him grow, at least not that could be seen with the human eye. He didn't take a drink and grow an inch before my eyes, it's been a process, and each day, each element that he consumes is proving beneficial for his future. So how important is that banana for breakfast and that cup of milk at night? I would say it is crucial.
And so it is with the Word of God. It is the most important nutrient we can put in our bodies each day. We don't always notice the impact of a 30 minute or 3 minute devotion time reading our bible, and we wonder why we are reading about Kings from 3000 years ago? After a year, though, just like watching Boden grow, we grow in our understanding of God and find ourselves with an intimate relationship with the King of kings and experiencing a new level of maturity in Christ.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Economic what?

So apparently what the stock market is doing is a big deal and people are getting pretty worked up about, even those that don't have any money invested. As Christians we have to emphatically say "so what" to the economic dysfunction and fear spikes that the world is pushing for.
There is only one who provides, one who can truly change our life. Jeremiah wrote about some "troubles" of the Jews in the book of Lamentations. The people of this time found themselves in a position that has repeated itself continuously throughout history; struggling, needing help, looking all around, looking to idols. Today, if we are turning to our jobs, paychecks, friends, and even pastors to save us or putting our trust in them, we are engaged in idolatry as well.

As everyone in America freaks out about the economy and the stock market, lets turn to God and not suffer the same things wrote about in Lamentations as as a result of turning to the everything and everyone else for help (Lamentations 1:19). We must keep and strengthen our trust in God; turning only to him. After all, we know He wins, which means His way must be perfect, so lets just stay on His side.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Fear God, Love God
With all the changes that have taken place in our life the last month I have spent a lot of time seeking God for more detail and understanding into every situation. At the beginning of the week He provided that great detail I have been seeking; now its really complicated so I don't know if anyone else could understand :-). Ecclesiastes 12:13, "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind."
I was looking for some deep, complicated, special answers just for me. Instead, I was struck with the powerful truth that I don't understand the fear of the Lord. I could continue to tell myself I did, but what good would that do? My prayer life is changing dramatically as a result. In Proverbs chapter 1 Solomon writes that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and then follows up with the words from Ecclesiastes. Because of this I'm left with the realization that it really is that simple, fear the Lord. Now, its time for me to allow the Teacher to teach and see this revelation come to pass.
To keep God's commandments there is no secret either. In John chapter 14 Jesus said "if you love me you will keep my commandments." I don't need to try and keep His commandments as if doing something (works) is going to help me. The love inside of me for the Father naturally causes the obedience He speaks of.
So for me the words read, "Fear God, Love God; for this is all He asks of me!"
I was looking for some deep, complicated, special answers just for me. Instead, I was struck with the powerful truth that I don't understand the fear of the Lord. I could continue to tell myself I did, but what good would that do? My prayer life is changing dramatically as a result. In Proverbs chapter 1 Solomon writes that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and then follows up with the words from Ecclesiastes. Because of this I'm left with the realization that it really is that simple, fear the Lord. Now, its time for me to allow the Teacher to teach and see this revelation come to pass.
To keep God's commandments there is no secret either. In John chapter 14 Jesus said "if you love me you will keep my commandments." I don't need to try and keep His commandments as if doing something (works) is going to help me. The love inside of me for the Father naturally causes the obedience He speaks of.
So for me the words read, "Fear God, Love God; for this is all He asks of me!"
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